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girl. desert dweller who loves snow and prefers winter. owned by a regal Snowshoe. proud auntie of four amazing children who will some day rule the world ;) unashamed Trekkie, Questie, Browncoat, 'Scaper and (mostly) all-around sci-fi fangirl. bookworm extraordinaire. amateur colorist. flaming history geek. major PSP addict.
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Wednesday, December 31, 2014
1:23 AM | Edit Post
NOTE: you MAY link to this tut. you MAY print it out for later use offline. you MAY NOT claim it as yours or take anything else from it. this tutorial is ©Ruby/Stormlight, written December 30, 2014.
Supplies needed:
-- PSP
-- main tube of choice. I used Pandora's Francesca.
-- scrap kit of choice (I used the kit Red 2015 by Bibi's Collection.)
-- template of choice. I'm using FB template #9 by Millie. Check out her blog for many great templates, both FB and regular.
-- the plugin Eye Candy Gradient Glow. -- Jazzy's "basic" drop shadow setting of 2, 2, 50, 3 and color black.
-- alpha or font of choice. I am using a Designz by Sue alpha called Beauty.
1. Open template, duplicate, close original and save as a new canvas. If using the same template I am using, delete the Christmas word art and credit layers.
2. Choose a light colored paper from your kit (I chose Paper2) and paste it as your background/bottom layer.
3. Choose three darker colored/contrasting papers (I chose Papers 3, 8, and 9). Select layer 1 (the rounded rectangle) and click outside it with your magic wand. Choose one of your papers and paste it into your canvas, positioning it inside the marching ants. Hit your delete key. Repeat this step with layer 2.
4. Repeat step 3 with your second paper on layers 3 and 4 (the dark green circles) and with your third paper on layers 7 and 8 (red circles).
5. Merge layers 5 and 6 (white circles) together. Effects > texture effects > texture and choose canvas course from the selection box, default settings, except change the angle to 180.
6. Paste in your tube. Apply Jazzy's drop shadow and position in the exact center of your canvas.
7. Time to get your elements on. Numbers/names apply to the scrap kit I'm using so if you're using a different one, use the elements of your choice. All elements are resized with the smart size setting. Remember to apply Jazzy's basic drop shadow after each element is placed unless otherwise marked:
55 (bottle in bucket) - 50%. place on right side of banner.
56 (champagne glass) - 30%. place next to bucket.
34 (strappy heels) - 40%. place inside the red circle on the right.
39 (nail polish) - 25%. place next to heels.
38 (feather fan) - 60%. place inside red circle on the left.
31 (Happy New Year hat) - 40%. place above feather fan.
29 (watch) - 55%. position above black square marking the space for profile pic.
20 (silver scatter) - 20-30%. duplicate and place at random.
8. Open element 36 (fireworks) and drop underneath other element layers, placing on the left hand side of the canvas. Duplicate and mirror the copy. Duplicate a second time and move the third copy to somewhat off-center of the tube.
optional - adjust > color balance > manual color correction and change the firework's color to a corresponding color from your tube. Duplicate and mirror this colored layer so that you have four layers of fireworks. NO drop shadow on any of the firework layers!
9. If you're using an alpha, copy the letters of your choice from the alpha file. Resize as needed and merge these layers together.
10. In your plugins menu, go to Eye Candy > Gradient Glow and apply the following settings to your name:
11. Create a new layer for your copyright/watermark and add it on along the top. *Remember that you cannot use urls on Facebook due to their rules, so the next best alternative is to credit the artist's or store's FB page - for S&CO tubes, I would put @ScrapsNCompany*
12. Delete the black square that marks the profile photo area.
Profile Photo:
1. Open a new canvas, 180x180. Copy background paper and paste into canvas. Resize if needed to show a different area of the pattern.
1. Open template, duplicate, close original and save as a new canvas. If using the same template I am using, delete the Christmas word art and credit layers.
2. Choose a light colored paper from your kit (I chose Paper2) and paste it as your background/bottom layer.
3. Choose three darker colored/contrasting papers (I chose Papers 3, 8, and 9). Select layer 1 (the rounded rectangle) and click outside it with your magic wand. Choose one of your papers and paste it into your canvas, positioning it inside the marching ants. Hit your delete key. Repeat this step with layer 2.
4. Repeat step 3 with your second paper on layers 3 and 4 (the dark green circles) and with your third paper on layers 7 and 8 (red circles).
5. Merge layers 5 and 6 (white circles) together. Effects > texture effects > texture and choose canvas course from the selection box, default settings, except change the angle to 180.
6. Paste in your tube. Apply Jazzy's drop shadow and position in the exact center of your canvas.
7. Time to get your elements on. Numbers/names apply to the scrap kit I'm using so if you're using a different one, use the elements of your choice. All elements are resized with the smart size setting. Remember to apply Jazzy's basic drop shadow after each element is placed unless otherwise marked:
55 (bottle in bucket) - 50%. place on right side of banner.
56 (champagne glass) - 30%. place next to bucket.
34 (strappy heels) - 40%. place inside the red circle on the right.
39 (nail polish) - 25%. place next to heels.
38 (feather fan) - 60%. place inside red circle on the left.
31 (Happy New Year hat) - 40%. place above feather fan.
29 (watch) - 55%. position above black square marking the space for profile pic.
20 (silver scatter) - 20-30%. duplicate and place at random.
8. Open element 36 (fireworks) and drop underneath other element layers, placing on the left hand side of the canvas. Duplicate and mirror the copy. Duplicate a second time and move the third copy to somewhat off-center of the tube.
optional - adjust > color balance > manual color correction and change the firework's color to a corresponding color from your tube. Duplicate and mirror this colored layer so that you have four layers of fireworks. NO drop shadow on any of the firework layers!
9. If you're using an alpha, copy the letters of your choice from the alpha file. Resize as needed and merge these layers together.
10. In your plugins menu, go to Eye Candy > Gradient Glow and apply the following settings to your name:
11. Create a new layer for your copyright/watermark and add it on along the top. *Remember that you cannot use urls on Facebook due to their rules, so the next best alternative is to credit the artist's or store's FB page - for S&CO tubes, I would put @ScrapsNCompany*
12. Delete the black square that marks the profile photo area.
Profile Photo:
1. Open a new canvas, 180x180. Copy background paper and paste into canvas. Resize if needed to show a different area of the pattern.
2. Copy your two circle layers with the dark papers and paste into canvas. Position them so there is a partial circle showing on each side. It should look something like this:
4. Copy one white and one colored firework and drop them underneath the tube layer. Resize to 65% and position so they are visible.
5. Copy watch element from banner, resize again to 40% and hang from upper half of the canvas.
6. Open a butterfly or flower spray element (I used element 25) and paste in. Resize to 20% and position over tube. Repeat with a scatter element (I used element 7 - the black and white confett, resized to 50%).
7. Create a new raster layer and floodfill with a color from your tube or kit. Click your magic wand inside the layer and go to selections > modify > contract by 5. Hit your delete key. Repeat step 5 from banner directions to give the border definition.
8. Repeat steps 9-11 from banner directions for your initial and copyright.
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Pics For Design
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The PSP Project
Artistically Inclined Licensing
Paper Dolls
Wicked Diabla
All That Glitterz
independent artists/special licenses:
Anthony Guerra Unlimited
Amanda Fontaine limited exclusive
Barbara Jensen
Ismael Rac
Arthur Crowe
Sensual Posers
Elias Chatzoudis
Keith Garvey
Kathy Cyr
Vi Nina
Queen Uriel
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