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girl. desert dweller who loves snow and prefers winter. owned by a regal Snowshoe. proud auntie of four amazing children who will some day rule the world ;) unashamed Trekkie, Questie, Browncoat, 'Scaper and (mostly) all-around sci-fi fangirl. bookworm extraordinaire. amateur colorist. flaming history geek. major PSP addict.

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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

for those of you who are princess lovers and/or fans of the color purple, here is a new goodie for you.  this quick page was from Wicked Princess' lovely "Tasha's Playground" kit.  It is a kit perfect for all your princess needs, with a crown, flowers, frogs and more.

 you can purchase this kit here.

and you can grab the quick page HERE!
Monday, April 28, 2014

NOTE: you MAY link to this tut. you MAY print it out for later use offline. you MAY NOT claim it as yours or take anything else from it. this tutorial is ©Ruby/Stormlight, written April 28, 2014.

Supplies needed:
-- PSP
-- main tube of choice (I used Elegance by Pandora.  she is a gift-with-purchase currently available at S&CO.)
-- made-to-match scrap kit "Elegance" by Designs by Joan.  Joan's kit is part of a collab of gorgeous kits matching this tube.  you can also purchase this kit collab here.
-- the plugin EyeCandy 4000 (Gradient Glow).
-- Jazzy's "basic" drop shadow setting of 2, 2, 50, 3 and color black.
-- mask of choice.  I used a mask by weescotslass.
-- font of choice.  I used Vivaldi.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

this snag set has been in the works for awhile, but my perfectionist side took over until I was happy with the end result.  I took my time with this one because the lovely Jere was kind enough to indulge my inner geek and create this absolutely PHENOMENAL GraphFreaks-style version of one of my favorite sci-fi characters, Lieutenant Commander Katherine Hitchcock of the show seaQuest DSV.

Katie is FTU and you can download her at the GraphFreaks website.

and grab my complete set of snags (nine total) here!

for all you quick page collectors, here's a new one for your files.  this quick page was from Wicked Princess' great "Neenja Master" kit, which is made to match a fabulous tube by KiwiFireStorm.  The kit has tons of great elements, including several different ninja weapons, beautiful flowers and more.

The kit and tube are exclusive to The PSP Project.  you can purchase this kit here.

and you can grab the quick page HERE.
Monday, April 21, 2014

NOTE: you MAY link to this tut.  you MAY print it out for later use offline. you MAY NOT claim it as yours or take anything else from it. this tutorial is ©Ruby/Stormlight, written April 20, 2014.

**The above cover is snaggable for use!  DO NOT EDIT IN ANY WAY OR REMOVE THE ARTIST'S COPYRIGHT.**

Supplies needed:
-- PSP

-- main tube of choice (I used Danny Lee's awesome Katniss tube called "Archer")
-- two papers from a scrap kit of choice.  (I used a mini kit by Ali Emma, which was posted many years ago on a now defunct msn group.)
-- template of choice.  (Millie has tons of great Facebook cover templates.  check out her blog for the selection!  for this tut, I chose cover template #12)
-- the plugin Burnt Edges, part of the Alien Skin Xenofex 2 collection.
-- Jazzy's "basic" drop shadow setting of 2, 2, 50, 3 and color black.
-- font of choice.  I used Voluta Script. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

NOTE: you MAY link to this tut.  you MAY print it out for later use offline. you MAY NOT claim it as yours or take anything else from it. this tutorial is ©Ruby/Stormlight, written April 2, 2014.

Supplies needed:
-- PSP

-- main tube of choice (I used Andy Cooper's gorgeous genie girl, available at S&CO.)
-- made-to-match scrap kit by DN Scraps called "Magic Lamp", also available at S&CO.
-- Jazzy's "basic" drop shadow setting of 2, 2, 50, 3 and color black.
-- font of choice.  I used Aladdin. 


Past inspirations

My license list

Pics For Design
Scraps n Company
Scraps and the City
PSP Asylum
Artistic Dreams Imaging
The PSP Project
Artistically Inclined Licensing
Paper Dolls
Wicked Diabla
All That Glitterz

independent artists/special licenses:
Anthony Guerra Unlimited
Amanda Fontaine limited exclusive
Barbara Jensen
Ismael Rac
Arthur Crowe
Sensual Posers
Elias Chatzoudis
Keith Garvey
Kathy Cyr
Vi Nina
Queen Uriel

CU licenses